1. Applications
    Ben Irwin
    Ben Irwin
    1. Documentation
      1. index.php
    2. Vista RPC Viewer
      1. rpcw.php -> index.js -> rpcw.m
    3. FileMan API Tester
      1. fmapil.php -> index.js -> fmapil.m
    4. System Monitor
      1. monitor.php -> index.js
    5. Vista Dictionary Viewer
      1. Created by dictionary.sh and dictionary.m
      2. dictionary.php -> index.js -> dictionary.m
      1. dictdef.php -> index.js -> dictionary.m
    7. Iris / Gtm Vista Patch Compare
      1. The IRIS patch list is exported to the linux server using a Cache Class main.PatchExport
      2. Compares the patches installed on this instance with those installed on the latest FOIA IRIS instance.
      3. ipl.php -> index.js -> ipl.m
    8. Vista Option Viewer
      1. List VistA Options from the FileMan Option File.
      2. vopl.php -> index.js -> vopl.m
    9. Surgery File Demo
      1. Web Page entry form for the Surgery File 130.
      2. surgery.php -> index.js -> surgery.m
  2. vista - Vista Instance
    1. g - vista gtm global storage (~/vista/g)
    2. partns - temporary VA patch routines (~/vista/partns)
      1. First in the gtmroutines variable
      2. Installed patches place the routines in this directory. These routines should be moved to the vartns directory.
      3. gtmroutines= “~/vista/partns/o(~/vista/partns/r) ~/vista/wvrtns/o(~/vista/wvrtns/r) ~/vista/vartns/o(~/vista/vartns/r) $gtm_dist”
    3. wvrtns - WorldVistA Specific Routines, changes to the standard VA Vista mumps routines.
      1. WorldVistA modified routines for VISTA to run on Linux with GTM.
    4. vartns - VA Vista mumps routines.
      1. VA VISTA routines from FOIA releases of VISTA.
    5. birtns - My personal routines.
      1. rsum.m
      2. ls.m
      3. curl.m
    6. s - linux script files (~/vista/s)
      1. dictionary.sh
      2. settings.sh
      3. vista.sh
      4. vistabu.sh
      5. vistatmstart.sh
      6. vistatmstop.sh
    7. nodejs
      1. index.js - Main NodeJS Service
  3. Settings Files for server differences.
    1. settings.php - PHP server settings
    2. settings.m - Mumps server settings
    3. settings.sh - Bash Shell server settings
  4. User Level Aliases
    1. alias dictionary=‘~/vista/s/dictionary.sh’
    2. alias vista=‘~/vista/s/vista.sh’
    3. alias vistabu=‘~/vista/s/vistabu.sh’
    4. alias vistatmstart=‘~/vista/s/vistatmstart.sh’
    5. alias vistatmstop=‘~/vista/s/vistatmstop.sh’
  5. VistA FOIA Instances for download
    1. GTM Updated 2025/03/14: gtm-vista.tar.gz
    2. CACHE Updated 2025/03/13: CACHE.zip
    3. FILEMAN (Only) Experimental Updated 2024/05/22: fileman.tar.gz
  6. Parallels Installation Example
    1. Fedora Server 40 on Parallels Installation: FSL_Server_40.pdf